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Recycling is not the answer. Zero-waste is!

Updated: Sep 21, 2022

Do you ever look in your recycling bin and think “What’s the point?

Sure, recycling is better than no recycling but ultimately, where does my trash go? Is it being recycled or is it just getting added to the millions of pounds of trash accumulating at dumps around the world?"

The truth is, once trash and recycling is picked up you no longer have control over it, but have no fear... Butter Bits is here to put control back in your hands.

Butter Bits provide 100% zero waste packaging. That's right, you heard correctly, our products and packaging create none, zilch, zero waste. Of course we prefer you compost your Butter Bit packaging but no matter where it ends up, it will break down. As a matter of fact, here they are, being used as seedling plant pots that will be planted with the seedling.

Never feel guilty or worried because our boxes, labels, tape and even the packaging peanuts are all biodegradable. This means that simply by ordering Butter Bits, you are taking care of yourself and your skin without causing any harm to the environment.

For those of you down to earth peeps who want no packaging at all, checkout 'Just the Bits' for 100 or 200 Butter Bits in nothing more than a compostable ziplock bag.

Butter Bits were made to support beautiful and healthy skin while keeping the earth beautiful and healthy as well. Win Win!


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